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Excellent people produce excellent results.


If you have ever wondered what makes a successful business, ask Kevin Hart to give you 60 minutes to introduce ExemplaHR.


Kevin has given new meaning and direction to Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), and has joined up the dots between core values, attitude and behaviour.


For over 30 years Kevin has facilitated hundreds of thousands of people through leadership and behavioural development programmes in civilian and military appointments globally. He has shown that successful business can get the values, attitude and behaviour aligned to deliver sustainable results.


From his belief and practice, Kevin represents ExemplaHR to be a very successful approach to understanding work, workplace, workforce and wellbeing. It is based on enabling people to gain insight, begin to change in themselves, work more effectively with colleagues, and produce exceptional results. Put simply, iCAP is insight, change, alignment and performance.


The organisations Kevin has worked with very quickly develop an effective cultural awareness, an approach for everyone in the organisation, not just those at the top, and enable core values to change attitude and ultimately produce effective behaviour.


ExemplaHR for exemplar results.

Click on the links below for the ExemplaHR approach and the ExemplaHR way:

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